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Welcome to Lands Of Hope

Lands of Hope is a multiplayer, online, fully browser-based 2D role-playing game.
Start your journey
Some features include:
  • No downloads required, playable in any modern web browser
  • The standard RPG mechanics you expect, including:
    • Progression through both Character and individual Skill Levels
    • Evolution trees for Character Professions and Races
    • Turn-based Combat, in several flavors, and including tons of spells and abilities to choose from
    • Crafting and Gathering Skills
    • Exploration and Questing
    • Pets, with a variety of mount and combat bonuses, attainable through several taming and breeding skills
  • Many options for customizing your gameplay experience, including:
    • Several available portraits to pick between for your character on creation, as well as additional unlocks as you evolve along your chosen race evolution tree
    • A wide variety of professions to choose from, each with their own unique skills and abilities
    • Aquire a map tile for a place to call your own, or erect buildings and dungeons that you can design and furnish to your liking

Free to play

No payment info required
  • Create up to 5 different characters
  • Reach your first profession evolution at level 50
  • Reach level 100 with all of your characters
  • Start on the first map, Knotwood Valley, and unlock the second, Sandydale Basin, at level 95


$5 USD (+tax) /month
$36 USD (+tax) /year
  • Create up to 15 different characters
  • Level through profession evolutions at 50, 350, and 650
  • Level through race evolutions at 200, 400, 600, and 800 (for most race evolutions)
  • Level cap increased to 1000
  • Unlock all the standard maps, a new one every 100 levels
  • Access to the following extra standalone professions:
    • Inventor
    • Salvager
  • Access to the following expansion content:
    • Jurassic Wars
      • Enter a new realm, Juratania, featuring new tameable prehistoric monsters.
      • Learn Patchcrafting, a new crafting skill, to create patches that can be applied to other items.
      • The Hermit profession, along with its evolutions.
    • Uncharted Waters
      • Create a Navy Officer or Pirate to explore the Shrouded Islands, and fight a realm-wide tug-of-war to claim control of the eight islands for your faction.
      • New naval combat, with upgradeable ships.
    • Dragons of the East
      • Travel to the Eastern Lands, where you'll meet five ancient dragon clans. Pick a side, and fight with them to unlock abilities and rewards unique to each.
      • New combat system, with dragon abilities based on your chosen clan.
    • The Afterlife
      • In The Afterlife, death forms a cycle. As monsters are killed, they fuel the Lifestream, which in turn makes new spawns more powerful.
      • Create a new character with the Hag profession, which evolves to learn Charms and Hexes, Bewitching, and gains the ability to tame Humanoids.
      • Meet the Knights Templar, the faction trying to discover the secrets of the dark forces at work in the Afterlife.
      • Finally, if you think you're prepared, battle and attempt to defeat the 'Darkness,' a level 2000 boss.